Mikael Pettersson – New General Manager at ProfilHotels Richmond in Copenhagen
It is with great pleasure that we can announce Mikael Pettersson as the new Genereal Manager at ProfilHotels Richmond in Copenhagen. Mikael brings over 17 years of international experience within the hotel industry and was most recently the General Manager at ProfilHotels Halmstad Plaza.
Read more about Mikael’s thoughts on his new role.
What is your role at Ligula?
I recently joined ProfilHotels Richmond as General Manager.
What do you like most about working in the hotel industry?
I have always been fascinated by traveling and the hotel ambience, and I get to meet a lot of different and interesting people—both among the team and, of course, our guests.
What is the best part about being a General Manager?
It’s the most fun job in the world, being part of creating lasting impressions with guests and hopefully with the team as well. On top of that, there is the business aspect, where you get to develop both great products and services.
What are the challenges?
The hospitality industry is a low-margin industry, which puts some pressure on how the business has to be managed. It’s also a very labor-intensive industry where you often need to deal with large teams with various backgrounds and values. This can be challenging at times.
Why should one book a meeting at ProfilHotels Richmond in Copenhagen?
At the Richmond, you can book meetings for up to 120 guests right in the center of Copenhagen, within walking distance from Copenhagen Central Station, at reasonable prices and with great service. Value for money.
If you could choose anyone in the world, who would you like to have hotel breakfast with?
Besides the obvious choice of my family, I would definitely enjoy a breakfast with Jim Carrey… or Bono… or DeNiro…